Does acupuncture hurt? So many needles—it sounds scary, right? Let Margaret, our greyhound, tell you her story. Acupuncture can involve two techniques: strong stimulation needles or the kind where you feel almost nothing. Can you guess which one Margaret got? 😊
Margaret had been suffering from hookworms since she was a puppy. We adopted her from a rescue shelter, and she came to us with a poor appetite and frequent vomiting. Every day, we had to clean up her messes or change her bedding—it was exhausting. We took her to the vet, where they ran blood work, fecal tests, and even considered a liver biopsy to rule out liver cancer. After spending a lot of money on tests, all we came home with were some antacid pills, dewormers, and canned dog food. But Margaret didn’t get better.
By September 2024, things had gotten worse. Margaret couldn’t keep her food down and had completely stopped eating. My husband was devastated and scared we might lose her. That’s when I decided to take matters into my own hands.
As an acupuncturist, I performed acupuncture on Margaret to restore her digestion and, at the same time, researched and created my own natural dewormer for her. The results were nothing short of amazing! Since then, she hasn’t vomited once, her appetite has returned, and she finishes her food in seconds. Margaret even gained her weight back and is now feisty as ever! 💪🐾
So, does acupuncture hurt? Margaret would tell you it’s nothing to fear—just the beginning of healing and hope!